At CBLM Holy family Hospital, we have premier urology treatment in Jaipur. With world-class facilities and a team of experts, we endeavor to serve the best medical care for your appendix concerns. Our experts perform Laparoscopic surgery for appendix with utmost precision and care to deliver the best results to you. Also, you get the best combination of experts and specialists for you.

What are the appendix and its causes?

The appendix is a small and finger-shaped organ that extends from the large intestine. It finds its place in the abdomen in the lower part. To date, the appendix is believed not to have any significant function. However, in the case of appendix rupture, it requires treatment for the infected material to be drained out and disinfection of the abdominal cavity. It can easily be diagnosed through a simple ultrasound.

The causes of the concern include the interior appendix filled with mucus, bacteria, parasites, foreign material, and hard stools. It results in swelling in the appendix which further results in inflammation and irritation. It can lead to a leak which can cause an abscess or generalized infection of the abdomen.

Get the Best Laparoscopic Surgery For Appendix at CBLMHFH Jaipur. Laparoscopic Appendectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the appendix. The  Laparoscopic Surgery For Appendix is one of the common treatments done by our team of doctors, as it is very much required for people to cure different kinds of diseases. It is important to know and understand the procedure of the treatment, as it helps them to prepare well before and after the surgery from time to time.

And it is also very important to having knowledge about the laparoscopic appendix  The appendix is removed through an incision in the right lower abdominal wall. In most laparoscopic appendectomies, surgeons operate through 3 small incisions (each ¼ to ½ inch) while watching an enlarged image of the patient’s internal organs on a television monitor.

What are the signs and symptoms of the appendix (Appendicitis)?

Diagnosis of appendicitis requires the history of the individual and physical examination. Certain tests can be performed to make the diagnosis. However, the signs and symptoms of the appendix include but are not limited. Check out below the signs and symptoms of Appendicitis which are as follows:

  • Abdominal pain while coughing or walking
  • Fever and loss of appetite
  • Constipation and rectal tenderness
  • Chills and rigors
  • The patient may experience sudden pain in the lower abdomen on the right side.
  • Sudden pain around the navel region with shifting pain towards the right
  • Worsening pain either on coughing or exerting
  • There can be excruciating pain when walking or making any jarring movements.
  • The person may experience loss of appetite and taste, and it may lead to weight loss.
  • A feeling of nausea and vomiting
  • Bloating of abdomen
  • Constant flatulence
  • The individual may either experience diarrhea or constipation.
  • Moments of low-grade fever that will worsen with the progress of the illness
  • Fainting or feel light-headed
  • Redness, swelling, discharge, or bleeding at the wound site(s) or
  • difficulty in urinating.

It has to be noted that the site of pain may vary based on the age and placement of the appendix. In the case of pregnant ladies, they may often experience pain moving from the upper abdomen. It is also to be noted that the chances of an appendix are greater in pregnant women.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The doctors begin with understanding your history and signs and symptoms, thereby go-ahead to conduct a deepened examination of your abdomen.

There are different tests and procedures which are used to diagnose Appendicitis which are as follows:

Physical Examination

The doctor will apply gentle pressure in the area of pain. Often in Appendicitis, the pain will worsen when the pressure is released, signaling the adjacent peritoneum’s inflammation.

They may check for abdominal rigidity and the stiffening of abdominal muscles. Often the doctor may opt for a lower rectum examination too. For this, they will use a glove and lubrication to check the lower rectum.

  • Blood Test: A high level of white blood cells often indicates inflammation
  • Urine test: This will signal if there is any urinary tract infection or kidney stone. It is to ensure that any other reason does not cause the pain.
  • Imaging Tests: Doctors may recommend an abdominal X-ray, abdominal ultrasound, MRI, CT scan to confirm the presence of Appendicitis.


There are different ways of treating Appendicitis. These are as follows:

Surgical method to remove the appendix

Also known as Appendectomy, it is a form of open laparoscopic Surgery. An abdominal incision of about 2 to 4 inches long (laparotomy) is created on the abdomen. During laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon inserts a video camera and special surgical tools inside the abdomen to eliminate the appendix.

laparoscopic Surgery allows quick recovery, lesser scar, and faster healing. It is recommended for elderly and obese people. However, laparoscopic surgery is not appropriate for everyone. If the infection has spread to other parts beyond the appendix, you may require an Appendectomy wherein the surgeon will clean the abdominal cavity.

Draining the abscess before conducting appendix Laparoscopic Surgery

This is done especially when the appendix has burst and an abscess has been formed. Herein, the abscess may be drained by placing a tube inside the skin to the abscess. Herein, the procedure of Appendectomy is performed only after the infection is removed.

You should contact your doctor if any of the symptoms mentioned above develop after having a laparoscopy

Lifestyle and Home-Based remedies

  • After the Appendectomy, the patient must be too vigilant and extra care to fasten the recovery process. Here are few home remedies to heal your body.
  • Completely avoid indulging in strenuous activities. Limit your activity at least for 3 to 5 days post the operation. On the other hand, in open Appendectomy, you must not indulge in any activity for around 10 to 14 days. Consult your doctor before getting back to resuming normal mundane work.
  • Coughing can strain your stomach and thereby affect the surgical process. Place a pillow on the stomach and apply pressure before you laugh or cough to reduce pain.
  • The pain escalates stress that indirectly slows down the healing process. Herein, if your medications are not effective, then do consult a doctor.
  • Begin to get back to your normal daily activities slowly. Start with slow walks in a short distance.
  • Do not strain yourself. Appendectomy can make you feel sleepier when compared to other days. Herein, do not cringe in taking rest when required.

Laparoscopic Appendix Treatment Recovery

Your recovery time depends on the type of surgery you had. If you had laparoscopic surgery, you will probably be able to return to work or a normal routine 1 to 3 weeks after surgery. If you had open surgery, it may take 2 to 4 weeks. If your appendix ruptured, you may have a drain in your incision.

Preparing for your appointments

Never avoid signs. Your mind knows when there is something amiss. Thus, do not shy away from booking your appointment with a doctor. If you are experiencing any pain in the abdomen, you should see a doctor. Ask the doctor for directions as to what should be done before taking any test.

List out the following:

  • Enlist what are the symptoms you are facing
  • Include information about your recent stresses, lifestyle changes, medical history, if you are taking any other medications
  • Take a friend or family member along and ask all relevant questions related to your condition without missing out on anything.

Contact CBLM Holy family Hospital for the best Laparoscopic surgery for Appendix. We guarantee the best results which you would otherwise get. Also, our expert doctors have years of experience which enables them to provide the best advice and treatment to you. Because it is always best to be sure than cringe in doubt!