Bio Dht Hair Transplant
Are you planning on getting a BIO DHT Hair Transplant done?
Bio DHT combines Direct Hair Transplant and PRP Therapy. In this, the hair follicles are first extracted from a donor area and are then implanted in the recipient area at the same time. If you are looking for the best Bio DHT hair transplant in Jaipur then CBLMHFH offers it to you.
Is the Bio DHT hair transplant for you?
The Bio DHT hair transplant in Jaipur is done using a stylish approach. It is today the most preferred technique of hair rebuilding. The method uses cutting-edge methods whereas the direct hair transplant methodology combines two techniques of hair rebuilding. It includes the non-surgical hair regeneration method or bio and the surgical produce which is the direct hair transplant.
The bio direct hair transplantation is the hair rebuilding system where the hair follicles follicular unit which is resistant to DHT gets separated from the donor area and is then embedded into the bald area.
The benefits of this hair transplant system are that it does not require surgical tools and also does not use other flashy methods which are generally used in the hair restoration process. The hair follicles or the grafts are filled into the small incision points carefully. When this happens then the bio arrangement from the patient’s blood gets adjusted to the area that is transplanted.
Explain Bio DHT hair transplant
Bio DHT or bio-stimulated direct hair transplant is the latest advancement found in the area of hair transplantation. In this method, the hair follicles are first extracted from the donor site. Then channel incision is created using a special pen in the recipient area. The final step is the implantation of the grafts.
The technique combines biotherapy and direct hair transplantation. Read below to understand the process in detail:
DHT or direct hair transplantation
DHT is a method of hair transplantation. Here the hair follicles are extracted from the donor area. In most cases, the sides and the back of the scalp are preferred to extract the follicle from. The follicle is then transplanted into the recipient area directly. This is the area that is experiencing hair loss. When this technique is used it avoids the requirements of creating an individual graft. This helps to preserve the viability of the hair follicle. The result is a natural-looking hair.
Biotherapy : The method involves using biostimulation agents. This helps to stimulate the natural healing and the regenerative process of the body. When it comes to hair transplantation some bio-stimulation agents like ACell or platelet-rich plasma or PRP are usually used.
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) : PRP or platelet-rich plasma is derived from the blood of the patient. It contains a concentrated amount of platelets and bioactive proteins that help to promote regeneration tissue repair and growth factors. The PRP is applied during or after the hair transplant procedure is complete. This helps to improve the survival of the hair follicle. It also helps to enhance the process of healing and stimulates the growth of hair.
TheACell is an extracellular matrix. It is derived from the porcine urinary bladder. The component finds many medical applications. It is also a vital part of the hair restoration procedure. It is believed that the Acell enhances tissue healing and regeneration. It provides a framework for cell growth and stimulates the natural repair mechanism of the body. In the process of hair transplantation, the Acell can help to improve the survival rate of the transplant and also improve the overall results.
Who should opt for the Bio DHT hair transplant?
The Bio DHT or the bio-stimulated direct hair transplant is an advanced hair transplant method. It makes use of the biostimulation agents which helps to improve the success of the DHT procedure.
The process is suitable for those who have some specific hair fall issues which include:
Advanced hair loss : The Bio DHT hair transplant method is ideal for those who are suffering from advanced hair loss or have a significant amount of hair thinning. The procedure can manage the extraction of further grafts for candidates who have either moderate or severe hair loss.
Adequate donor hair supply : The Bio DHT technique needs a good amount of donor hair supply from the scalp of the candidate. The hair needs to be healthy too. The patients should at least have a hair density of at least 40 follicles per square centimetre in the donor site for successful results.
Good health : Those who opt for the Bio DHT hair transplant method must enjoy good health. a complete medical evaluation is carried out to ensure that the candidate can go through the process safely and has no health complications or risks.
Realistic expectations : The patients who are eligible to opt for the procedure must come with realistic expectations. They should understand the limitations of the hair transplant process and also the potential outcomes.
Age consideration : There is no age limitation as such to get the Bio DHT procedure done. However, it is important that the candidate is over 25 years of age and has an established hair loss. This will ensure that the hair transplant treatment stays consistent with time.
Weak or damaged hair follicles : If the patient suffers from damaged or weak hair follicles then they will benefit from the Bio DHT procedure. The bio-stimulation agents that are used help to stimulate hair follicle growth and enhance its survival.
Complete evaluation of hair by a reputed hair transplant surgeon : Before one opts for the Bio DHT procedure the candidate has to mandatorily go through a comprehensive evaluation which will be carried out by an experienced hair transplant surgeon. The evaluation will help to understand the hair loss extent and the donor hair availability. It will also be clear if the candidate can opt for the procedure.
Absence of any severe medical conditions : The candidate will be checked medically to ensure that he or she does not suffer from any medical conditions which could interfere with the hair transplant procedure.
Understanding the process of Bio DHT hair transplant in Jaipur
At the CBLMHFH clinic in Jaipur, you can get your Bio DHT hair transplant done with a high level of expertise and precision. The hair follicle is extracted from the donor site and the implantation of the hair follicle is carried out simultaneously with the help of a specialised implanter pen.
After the implantation, the patient is injected with biostimulation agents which help in enhancing the hair transplantation results. Here is an overview of the hair transplantation technique:
Pre-operative Evaluation: The first step is to book a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon in Jaipur. The surgeon and his team will look to see if the candidate is suitable for the Bio DHT procedure. They will evaluate hair loss, hair availability at the donor site, overall health and if the patient has realistic expectations. of the procedure.
Preparation to start with the procedure: The patient will be given some pre-operative instructions by the surgeon. This will revolve around diet, medication and how to wash the hair. The guidelines should be followed.
Local anaesthesia administration: The patient will be administered local anaesthesia. This is done to numb the recipient area which will minimise any pain or discomfort at the time of surgery.
Donor Hair Follicles Extraction: The surgeon makes use of the direct hair transplantation technique. The healthy hair follicle is extracted from the donor area. The area chosen is usually the back or the side of the scalp. This is where the hair is usually resistant to hair loss.
Recipient Sites Creation: The donor hair follicles are ready. The surgeon will now use an implanter pen. There is a needle that is attached to the pen. This will be inserted into the recipient area. The needle is inserted at an approximately 45-degree angle to create an incision channel.
The hair follicle is directly implanted into the incision that is created at the recipient site. The angle, depth and density of the transplant are carefully done to ensure that the results are optimal.
Preparation and the application of Bio-Stimulation Agents: Bio-stimulation agents are used in the procedure to improve the success of the hair transplantation procedure. The agents like the PRP or growth factors are derived from the blood of the patient. It contains many essential proteins which help to stimulate hair growth and improve the transplanted hair follicle survival rate.
The surgeon applies the bio-stimulation agent on the donor and the recipient sites.
Post-operative Care: After the bio-stimulation agent hair transplant procedure in Jaipur is carried out the patient gets instructions on the post-operative care. It is important to follow the aftercare guiltiness properly to promote healing and prevent any infections.
BIO DHT Hair Transplant- Benefits
There are several advantages of opting for the BIO-DHT hair transplant procedure.
9 key benefits of opting for the BIO DHT hair transplant method :
The better survival rate of the hair transplant follicles : The bio-stimulation agents like platelet-rich plasma used in the procedure help to enhance the survival rate of the hair follicles. These agents comprise some essential bio protein that helps to promote tissue repair and helps to stimulate hair growth. It leads to a better graft survival rate
Fast healing and recovery : The bio-stimulation agents applied help in tissue healing and also reduce inflammation. This leads to a fast recovery period. Patients are known to experience less post-operative discomfort. They have also been able to resume their normal activities soon.
Reduced risk of trauma to hair follicles : The BIO-DHT technique uses a direct hair transplantation approach. This procedure helps to minimise trauma risk to the follicles during the procedure.
Out-of-body time is less : The hair follicle is extracted and then implanted simultaneously. The hair follicle thus stays out of the body for very little time. This prevents any hair follicle damage and also preserves its natural characteristics.
Minimal scarring : There is a tiny incision that is made during the BIO-DHT procedure. This is beneficial for those patients who wish to keep their hair short.
Results that are natural looking : The hair transplant method lets the surgeon control the graft implantation angle which results in precise hair graft placement. This method lets the transplanted hair grow in the natural hair’s direction.
Enhancement in hair coverage and density : The BIO-DHT method can offer a high hair density and better coverage of the area that is treated.
Stimulates long-term hair growth : The bio-stimulation agents that are used in the BIO-DHT procedure stimulate hair growth in the transplanted area over time. The hair grows like the natural hair growth cycle which continues.
Reduction in downtime and minimum post-operative restrictions : The method is minimally invasive. The patient has to follow very less restrictions post the operation.
Cost of opting for the BIO-DHT hair transplant treatment in Jaipur
Around 50000 INR is the BIO-DHT hair transplant treatment cost in Jaipur. This makes it an affordable option for those who wish for an advanced hair restoration treatment. The overall cost of the treatment may differ based on several factors the reputation of the clinic, the expertise of the surgeon and the complexity of the hair transplant procedure. If you wish to understand the details and get a personalised quotation then schedule a consultation right away.
Factors That Will Influence the BIO DHT Transplant Treatment Cost in Jaipur
The exact cost of the BIO-DHT treatment may vary based on several factors which include:
Number of grafts : The number of grafts needed is a key factor. Graft requirement is determined based on the hair loss extent, the recipient area size and the density which you want to achieve.
Advanced tools and technologies :Specialised surgical tools and techniques will ensure precision placement of the graft and also prevent follicle damage. If you opt for it then the cost will be slightly higher.
Adding bio-stimulation agents : You will have to shell extra because of the use of bio-stimulation agents.
The expertise of the surgeon : The skill and the experience of the surgeon play a major role and affect the cost.
Donor area quality : The quality and density of the hair is important. If you do not have enough donor hair on your scalp then the surgeon will have to harvest hair from other parts of your body. This could be from your chest or your beard. This then increases the cost significantly.
We recommend that you schedule a consultation at the CBLMHFH clinic to get an accurate diagnosis of your condition and to calculate the cost.
Recovery time after the BIO DHT procedure
The recovery phase is a crucial part of the hair transplant surgery and each patient may have a different recovery time. We provide below a detailed explanation of the recovery time when you opt for the BIO-DHT procedure.
24 to 48 hours post-surgery : After you complete the BIO-DHT hair transplant procedure you will be given instructions on what should be followed in the initial recovery phase for proper healing and to maximise the success of your transplant.
It is normal to experience some minor discomfort or swelling in the recipient and donor areas after the procedure. It can be managed with a cold compress and some prescribed medications
You must rest properly in the first few days as it will minimise any potential complications and also aid in healing.
Transplanted hair shedding : After around two or four weeks of the procedure you will notice that your transplant hair is beginning to shed. There is nothing to panic as shock loss or shedding is a normal part of your hair growth cycle.
Gradual regrowth in several months : You will start to see the real transformation of the BIO-DHT hair transplant after the shedding phase. You will start to see gradual hair growth in the areas that were treated.
The transplanted hair will begin to grow naturally and will seamlessly blend with the existing hair.
To ensure that you have a smooth and healthy recovery follow all the post-operative care.
Avoid any strenuous activity
Take the medications prescribed
Protect your scalp
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Attend the regular follow-up appointments
Post-Surgery Care : The post-surgery care will impact your treatment outcome.
The 7 key points to follow during your recovery phase after you undergo a BIO DHT hair transplant:
Wound care : Follow the surgeons’ instructions on how to clean the area and keep it moist. Hygiene and proper wound care will prevent any infection.
Medications : Take the medications that are prescribed to tackle discomfort.
Surgical site protection :Protect the operated site and the bio-stimulated areas from extreme temperature, direct light and physical trauma.
Restricted activities : Avoid any kind of exercise in the first few weeks as it will cause strain.
Hair care routine : Be gentle with your hair and do not use any styling products.
Follow-up appointments : The follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor your healing process and to address any concerns. it ensures that you are recovering fine.
Patient and positive mindset : It is important to be patient and take proper care to ensure a great outcome.