Kidney Dialysis (Nephrology) Hospital in Jaipur

The kidneys are responsible for eliminating waste and keeping the body’s fluid levels stable, thus any problems with these organs can have serious consequences. Kidney diseases can be brought on by injury, infection, genetics, or diabetes. The World Health Organisation estimates that 7.8 million Indians, compared to 1.2 million Americans, suffer from kidney problems. Nephrology is the study and treatment of kidney disorders and dysfunction. A nephrologist is a physician who focuses on diagnosing and treating conditions related to the kidneys. Nephrology is a subspecialty of internal medicine that has only existed as such since the 1950s. Nephrologists diagnose and treat illnesses affecting the kidneys, such as glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, urinary tract infections (UTIs), polycystic kidney disease (PKD), and diabetes.


Why Choose CBLM As The Best Nephrology Hospital in Jaipur

The CBLM Hospital is widely regarded as the most reputable kidney hospital in Jaipur. Patients in Jaipur can receive assistance in managing any renal conditions from a doctor who specializes in kidney care. In addition to having the most qualified nephrologist in Jaipur on our staff, we also have urologists, interventional nephrology radiologists, and kidney transplant surgeons who confer with one another to determine the most effective course of treatment for each patient.

Kidney Dialysis (Nephrology) Hospital in Jaipur consists of:

  • Pediatric nephrologists
  • Nephrologists
  • Transplant nephrologists
  • Dialysis nephrologists
  • Kidney specialist doctor in Jaipur


What are Kidney Diseases?

Both sides of the spine have a pair of kidneys that are located below the ribcage and are responsible for filtering waste products out of the blood and producing urine. The severity of a kidney disease can range from minor to severe, but if it is not treated, any of its forms have the potential to be fatal. There are a wide variety of kidney diseases, but they may all be placed into one of these three categories: acute kidney failure (AKF), chronic kidney disease (CKD), or both.

A person is said to have acute kidney failure (AKF) if their kidneys suddenly become dysfunctional or cease working altogether as a result of an illness or accident. Dehydration, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other conditions can also lead to acute kidney injury (AKI), however, it most commonly occurs after an accident or surgery.

Chronic Kidney Failure (CKD) is a slower process that takes place over time owing to long-term conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure; this causes damage to the kidneys’ filtering system so that it cannot filter out waste from your blood as well as it should be able to. The additional strain that is placed on the cardiovascular system as a result of chronic kidney failure can lead to a variety of additional health issues, including coronary heart disease.

CBLM Hospital is the premier kidney specialist hospital in Jaipur, and its staff includes some of the city’s most renowned nephrology physicians so that patients may receive the highest quality care there. This medical facility offers diagnosis and treatment for kidney illnesses on a world-class level, including the following:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Kidney stones
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Polycystic kidney disorder
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Protein in the urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Renal failure
  • Kidney disorders
  • Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS)
  • Hepatorenal issues (Liver and Kidney)
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • End-stage kidney disease


Diagnosis Facilities

Kidney Biopsy

A kidney biopsy is a type of test that is used to identify the root cause of kidney illness. During this stage of the procedure, a modest sample of kidney tissue is removed for subsequent examination. During a kidney biopsy, the physician will numb the region by administering a local anesthetic. After that, they will use a needle to take a tiny bit of tissue from one of the kidneys, and then they will place it on a slide under a microscope.


Kidney Disorder Biopsy

A biopsy of the Kidney Disorder is a process that examines the entire Kidney Disorder system for diseases and other disorders such as tumors or infections. When there are symptoms of inflammation or other abnormalities in the kidney, medical professionals will perform a biopsy. In addition to this, it can detect kidney cancer. To evaluate the kidneys, the physician inserts a needle and removes a small tissue sample from the body. The diagnosis of disorders such as kidney cancer and chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be made by the use of a kidney disorder biopsy.


Urine Test

The kidneys’ functionality can be determined through the use of a medical procedure called a urine test. It can detect kidney disease, determine the likelihood of developing renal disease, and monitor health while kidney disease medication is being administered. To detect kidney illness, high blood pressure, anemia (low red blood cell count), and diabetes, a doctor may advise patients to get their urinalysis performed regularly. The test will determine whether or not the urine contains abnormal amounts of glucose or ketones, as well as whether or not there is a protein present in the urine.


Glomerular filtration rate

The glomerular filtration rate, also known as GFR, is a test that determines how efficiently the kidneys remove waste and excess water from the blood. It gives an overall indication of how well the kidneys are functioning. The GFR score is determined by drawing a sample of blood and analyzing it to determine the amount of creatinine present. The breakdown of muscle tissue results in the production of a waste product called creatinine. People of different ages, genders, weights, heights, races, and ethnicities can have GFR values that range anywhere from 90 to 120 ml/min/1.73m2, although the average score falls somewhere in the middle of that range.


Ultrasound and CT Scan

Imaging techniques such as ultrasound and computed tomography scans are two of the most prevalent types used to diagnose renal problems. The use of sound waves to form an image enables the physician to observe the kidneys and evaluate their size, shape, and whether or not they are functioning properly using the image produced by the ultrasound. This test is also capable of detecting kidney stones and any other masses that may be present in the kidney. X-rays are used in CT scans to create images of the inside structures and organs of the body. These scans can help diagnose diseases such as obstructions in the urinary tract or malignancies in the kidneys.


Blood creatinine test

The amount of creatinine that is present in the blood is what is measured by a blood creatinine test. The breakdown of muscle results in the production of a waste product called creatinine, which is then eliminated through the urine. It is filtered out by the kidneys, which assists in the removal of excess water from the blood. The test for blood creatinine compares the amount of creatinine that is present in the blood to the amount that should be there. The findings of this test can be used to diagnose kidney disease in addition to other conditions that affect the kidneys, such as high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, acute tubular necrosis (ATN), and polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

Treatment & Procedure


This is an artificial procedure that enables a dialysis machine to filter your blood, getting rid of waste and water in the process. Assisting the body’s damaged kidney function is the goal of the approach, which is typically implemented while the patient is undergoing therapy for the underlying ailment or in the interim before a suitable donor kidney becomes available. The dialysis machine has channels in which the patient’s blood can travel. In addition, the transplant medicine subspecialty of nephrology deals with kidney transplants, which are becoming increasingly common among patients who are afflicted with end-stage kidney illnesses.


Treatment Facilities 


The treatment for renal disease is known as dialysis. Through the processes of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, it purges the body of waste products and excess blood fluid. Hemodialysis is a process that filters the blood by utilizing an external machine to remove waste, extra water, and minerals. It accomplishes this by passing the blood through a membrane that contains very small pores that allow water to pass through but stop bigger particles like proteins and cells from doing so. This method requires approximately four hours for each session. To perform peritoneal dialysis, a narrow tube known as a catheter is inserted into the abdomen, and then waste products are removed from the body using a specialized fluid known as peritoneal dialysate.


Kidney Transplantation

The medical operation known as kidney transplantation involves the removal of a patient’s diseased kidney and its replacement with a healthy kidney taken from a donor. The donor can be either someone who has passed away (known as a deceased donor) or someone who is still alive (known as a living donor).  For patients with end-stage renal disorder disease (ESRD) and irreversible kidney damage, kidney transplantation is a treatment option. Diabetes, high blood pressure, excessive cholesterol, or polycystic kidney disease are all potential causes of end-stage renal disease (ESRD).


ABO-incompatible transplantation in conjunction with paired exchange

When a patient needs a transplant, it is because their body is unable to operate normally without the assistance of an organ. They have the option of signing up for a waiting list to get an organ from a donor or considering going through with an organ swap transplant. Patients in need of a kidney transplant have the opportunity to get another organ from a willing donor through a process known as exchange transplantation. This procedure helps cut down on wait times for both parties and makes it easier for them to get back to their regular lives more quickly than if they had waited for the customary wait time connected with traditional donation procedures alone. If the recipient requires anti-rejection treatment due to a blood type mismatch, the ABO-incomplete exchange can address the situation. In contrast, the paired exchange involves the trading of kidneys between donors and recipients.


Swap Kidney transplantations

A transplantation option that assists in preventing a shortage of organs is known as a kidney exchange transplant. They include the participation of two individuals, one of whom donates a kidney to the other, who in turn donates their kidney to a third party. Because of their different blood groups, two families can donate blood to their loved ones at the same time thanks to this technique, which would not have been possible under normal circumstances. The initial donor receives the kidney of another individual, after which they donate their kidney to a subsequent recipient.


Combined Liver and Kidney Transplant

The functions of the liver and kidneys are frequently intertwined. If one of the organs fails, it could potentially cause damage to the other. Patients who suffer from cirrhosis and other conditions linked with the kidneys can have their lives saved by undergoing a procedure known as combined kidney and liver transplantation (CKDT). When performing a combined liver and kidney transplant, however, it may be necessary to use the organs of more than one donor. This is because certain recipients have special health issues that necessitate the use of several transplants to save their lives.


CRRT technique for neonates and pediatric patients

The continuous administration of kidney disorder replacement therapy is a medication that can save the lives of neonatal and pediatric patients who are experiencing acute kidney failure. Kidney problems are the most common reason for children to be admitted to the hospital, and if they are not treated right once, they can result in high mortality rates. Continuous kidney disorder replacement therapy, often known as CRRT, is a treatment that involves filtering waste items from the blood using a machine and then delivering the filtered blood back into the body. The kidneys are allowed to rest and heal from their disease or injury thanks to CRRT.


Donor Nephrectomy Performed Laparoscopically

A laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is a surgical technique that involves removing one kidney along with the tissue that surrounds it from a living donor to transplant it into another person. Before making any more cuts or incisions during a procedure that requires an incision, the surgeon will first utilize the laparoscope for visualization to help limit the amount of scarring and speed up the healing process. This surgery has a recuperation time of anywhere from one to two days, and there are no limitations placed on the donor’s activity level; the donor is free to engage in any pursuit they see fit.


Nephrology for Patients in Critical Care

Acute kidney injury, often known as AKI, is a condition in which your kidneys have been injured and are not functioning as they should. It could have been caused by an infection, a drug, a traumatic event, or another sickness. The goal of the acute kidney injury (AKI) treatment team at the top renal hospital in Jaipur, which consists of critical care physicians, nephrologists, and cardiologists, is to treat acute kidney damage as rapidly as possible. This multi-pronged approach has the potential to help protect the kidneys from suffering long-term harm.


The Therapy of Desensitisation

The elimination of a patient’s allergic reactions and an improvement in their immunological function can be accomplished through desensitization therapy as a useful adjunct to kidney transplantation. A condition known as “kidney mismatch” is one in which the kidneys do not perform as they should. The kidneys are responsible for removing waste items from the blood and flushing them out of the body through the urinary tract. When a kidney has only one filtering unit or nephron that is working properly, this condition is known as renal mismatch. This issue can result in increased waste products in the blood as well as a reduction in the function of the kidneys.

Visit CBLM Hospital, the leading facility in Jaipur for kidney care, to receive first-rate care from a group of highly qualified medical professionals.



When you initially come in, what can you expect?
Your nephrologist will do a thorough physical examination and analyze your medical history after initially inquiring about your overall health. The doctor may then decide to check your kidney function by taking blood and urine samples.

What diseases and disorders does the Nephrology Division specialize in?
Its primary function is to detect and treat conditions affecting the kidneys.

  • Protein Detection in Urine
  • Urine containing blood
  • The kidneys can fail suddenly or gradually.
  • Renal disease
  • Urinary calculi
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • The ailment of polycystic kidneys
  • Syndrome of Cardio-Renal Impairment (CRS)
  • Liver and kidney issues are often known as hepato-kidney disorders.
  • Lupus erythematosus, or SLE for short.
  • Kidney failure
  • Chronic renal failure

Visit the leading facility for kidney care in Jaipur.

When is dialysis necessary, and what exactly is it?
The kidneys function to rid the body of waste by filtering the blood and creating urine. However, in Kidney failure, the kidney loses between 85 and 90% of its functionality, necessitating dialysis to remove waste, salt, and excess water from the blood. Go to the Jaipur nephrology facility if you want to find out more.

Kidney failure: what is it?
End-stage renal disease, often known as ESRD, is the terminal phase of chronic kidney disease. When kidneys fail, they completely stop functioning, and dialysis or a transplant is necessary for survival. If the problem is only transient, treatment is usually adequate. Visit the leading kidney hospital in Jaipur for first-rate care.

Who can receive a kidney from a donor?
Dialysis patients or those who may eventually need dialysis due to their chronic, irreversible renal disease are candidates for a kidney transplant.

Why does one develop renal problems?
Increased blood sugar from diabetes is a major contributor to kidney disease and failure. High blood pressure, obesity, and excessive urine protein are additional risk factors for renal disease.

What can be done to stop the onset of renal disease?
Keep your weight where it should be to protect your kidneys from damage, which also lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol.


  • To maintain optimal kidney health, it is important to drink plenty of water.
  • The kidneys benefit from regular exercise because it keeps the blood flowing.


How may kidney disorders be treated?
Kidney disease therapy options are plentiful. Changes in diet and exercise, dialysis, and kidney transplantation are typical therapies.

At what point should one consult a nephrologist?
Seeing a nephrologist is necessary if you have been suffering symptoms including frequent urination, insomnia, and extreme fatigue for more than two weeks.

What are chronic kidney disease’s long-term effects?
Consequences of CKD that manifest over time include:

  • Chronic or acute kidney failure
  • Ongoing anaemia
  • An issue with hypertension
  • Heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular illnesses

Kidney disease or failure is a serious medical illness that can have far-reaching consequences. High-quality, individualized care and lasting relationships with patients are priorities for CBLM Hospitals. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about nephrology or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.