Prostate Laser Surgery in Jaipur – Top Laser Treatment for Prostate Enlargement
CBLM provides you the best treatment for TURP/Enlarged Prostate Laser Surgery at an affordable price. our specialist serves you with the best Prostate Laser Surgery in Jaipur. An enlarged prostate is one of the commonest types of disease that affects men. The prostate is a small gland that is shaped in the form of a walnut. The gland is responsible for producing a form of seminal fluid that nourishes and transports the sperm.
Timely diagnosis and early treatment can aid in curing individuals of the trouble. CBLM Hospitals in Jaipur offer proficient treatment and remedy for the illness. Backed by the latest technology and equipment ensures the patients are given timely treatment by an expert team of doctors.
Symptoms and Signs
As per doctors at CBLM multispecialty hospital in Jaipur, the case of enlarged prostate at an early stage while it is still confined to the gland renders a better option of treatment.
Prostate cancer during the early stages usually does not showcase any signs or symptoms. However, in the advanced stages of prostate cancer may show the following signs and symptoms:
- Trouble passing urine
- Reduced force of urine accompanied by discomfort in the pelvic region
- Pain in bones
- Blood in semen
- Erectile dysfunction
What are the causes?
As per oncologists at CBLM Hospital, the particular cause for prostate cancer remains yet to be deciphered. They further stated that it is caused due to mutations in the abnormal cells of DNA that grow and divide rapidly thereby spreading to other parts of the cells. Moving ahead, there does exist some factors that tend to increase the risk of an enlarged prostate in men.
Considering for timely checkup of the body can reduce the risk to a great extent. The risk factors include
- Age – The risk of prostate cancer is known to increase with age.
- Obesity – men who are obese and were detected of prostate cancer tend to carry more risk
- Race – black men in comparison to light-skinned men carry a greater risk of developing prostate cancer. The reasons are yet to be determined.
- Hereditary – A lot is decided by its own genes and DNA itself. If there is a family history of breast cancer or prostate cancer, it tends to increase the chances of connecting prostrate cancer.
What is the available treatment for an enlarged prostate?
Timely detection of an enlarged prostate can help in treating it appropriately. The treatment depends on how much has the prostate enlarged as well as the endurance level of the patient.
Common treatments include:
It is the most used option when the symptoms are detected in the initial stages. Doctors through surgery remove the entire prostate gland. However, this leads to side effects such as lack of erection, permanent urinary incontinence, and much more.
CBLM Hospital is renowned for its world-class services and high-quality patient care that makes it go to the hospital for Prostate Laser Surgery in Jaipur.