Varicose Veins Treatment in Jaipur
CBLM hospital is one of the top-noted medical centers offering the best Varicose Veins treatment in Jaipur and Varicose veins surgery from the experts. Varicose veins are the term referred to as veins that appear swollen and twisted that are visible under the surface of the skin. While these veins usually tend to occur in the leg region, they also tend to appear in other parts of the human body. Varicose veins are not an uncommon phenomenon and have gradually started affecting a lot of people. If left untreated they may lead to further complications. Hence, it is essential to get timely treatment done to avoid any aggravation. We at CBLM hospital are one of the top-noted medical centers offering Varicose Veins treatment and Varicose Veins Surgery. Our team comprises professional and experienced surgeons and specialists who are known to provide a timely remedy with their expertise.
Read on further to gain a deeper insight into the condition
What are Varicose Veins?
Veins form an important part of our body. They are the blood vessels that carry from tissues back to the heart. The heart pumps blood into the lungs where it is oxygenated and pumped to the body via arteries. After the oxygen in the blood is utilized by the body, the deoxygenated blood is carried back to the heart through veins to pick more oxygen.
Furthermore, the veins tend to have a one-way valve that ensures the flow of blood to the heart. However, in situations where these valves grow weak or damaged, the blood ends up pounding in your veins leading them to swell further. This condition is generally known as varicose veins.
Factors that cause varicose veins
There are numerous factors that add to the risk of varicose veins. As per the doctors at CBLM hospital, some of the top causes include:
- Hereditary
- Age
- Gender
- Pregnancy
- Obesity
- Lack of Physical exercise
Signs and Symptoms
As per experts, Varicose veins do show few signs and symptoms which include. Timely treatment can help in reducing the effect.
These include:
- Mild swelling of ankles and feet
- Enlargement of veins
- Feeling of pain and ache in legs
- Cramps on leg
- Throbbing
- Itchy feel at the lower leg and ankles
- Dry Skins
- The skin surrounding the area of varicose veins may turn discolored
We at CBLM Hospital with our team of expert surgeons and specialists provide an on-time remedy to treat the condition and cure it with a timely diagnosis.