A kidney stone is a condition that results due to excess building up of dissolved minerals in the inner lining of kidneys. These with time grow in size forming a crystalline structure. CBLM is one of the top listed multispecialty hospitals in Jaipur which offers world-class treatment and surgery for kidney stones in India. Backed by a team of expert neurologists the hospital assists with appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

What are Kidney Stones Made Of?

Our urine tends to contain dissolved salts and minerals. The primary cause of stones is increased levels of minerals or salts. These are often small in size during the start and later grows in size that fills the hollow inner structure in the kidney.

These stones are often left in the kidney but travel to other parts like the ureter and the tube between the bladder and kidney. It is when the stones reach the bladder that it gets passed out with urine. However, when it gets lodged in the ureter, they block the flow of urine from the kidney, leading to severe pain.

Kidney stones tend to vary in type and color. Herein, the treatment also differs based on what type of stone you are affected by.

Calcium stone

80% of stones in the kidney form calcium stones, further divided into oxalate and calcium phosphate.

Uric Acid stone

This covers over 5 to 10% of overall kidney stone cases. Uric acid is a form of waste that leads to chemical changes. As these crystals do not dissolve in acidic urine, they turn on to form stones. It is caused due to:

  • Obesity
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Gout
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • A diet that is high in animal protein and low in vegetables and fruits

Struvite or infection stones

These are uncommon that cover 10% of kidney stone cases. They are related to chronic infections in the urinary tract, also known as UTIs. Moreover, they are caused due to bacteria that turn the urine less acidic, more alkaline, and essential.

Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate, which is also known as struvite from alkaline urine. These are large and grow faster.

Causes of Chronic UTIs include:

  • Long term tubes in bladders or kidneys
  • Poor emptying of the bladder
  • People with neurological disorders like spina bifida, paralysis, or multiple sclerosis have greater chances of developing stones.

Cystine Stones

These are amino acids that build proteins. Cystinuria is a rare and often inherited metabolic disorder wherein the kidney cannot reabsorb cystine from the urine leading to stones. They cover 1% of total kidney stone cases and can be observed from childhood.

What causes kidney stones?

The kidney stone is made up of several compounds as well as calcium oxalate. The stone might range from the size of a golf ball to that of small pebbles. They are often thrown out of the body through the urinary tract but can go unnoticed. However, the presence of a stone in the kidney can reason extreme pain in the body.

Other leading causes include:

  • Lack of sufficient water in the body.
  • People who drink less water are more susceptible to develop kidney stones
  • Lack of water to dilute uric acid turns the urine more acidic causing kidney stones
  • If any member of your family has a history of kidney stones you are more likely to get it too.

Symptoms and Signs of Kidney Stones

A kidney stone usually is a symptomless ailment and is not understood until the stones move to the ureter. However, in the case of signs and symptoms it would commonly include:

  • Excess pain in the ground region
  • Passing urine in the blood
  • The feeling of nausea and vomiting
  • Presence of pus or blood cells in the urine
  • Less amount of urine passage accompanied by a feeling of burns
  • The continuous urge of passing urine
  • Fever and chills caused due to infection.

Says experts from CBLM hospital from the nephrology department that stones that remain inside the body can lead to blockage of the tube connecting kidney and bladder thereby obstructing the passage of urine.

Available Kidney Stones Surgery & Treatment

CBLM Hospital offers renowned treatment and surgery for kidney stones backed by its team of experts. The hospital offers the following Kidney Stones Treatment.

  • The patient is rehydrated using an Intravenous (IV) tube along with anti-inflammatory medications to increase the water content in the kidney.
  • In cases of excess pain faced by the patients, the hospital may administer narcotics to reduce the pain.
  • Lithotripsy – This treatment is performed to break the kidney stone into smaller pieces which are also called shock wave therapy. The broken pieces then pass through the urine.
  • In cases where the stones are large, kidney stone surgery will be applied to remove the stones by creating an incision either in the back or by inserting a thin tube via the urethra.

Treatment & Small stones with minimal symptoms

Often kidney stones do not require any invasive treatment, which can be cured through simple home remedies and therapies.

  • Drink lots of water: Drinking water will dilute the urine and thereby prevent the formation of stones. It is necessary to drink at least 2 to 3 quarts every day, i.e., 1.8 to 3.6 litres of water. However, it is recommended to consult your doctor before you begin water therapy.
  • Pain relievers: When the stones enter the bladder, they are thrown out when passing urine, and these can cause extreme discomfort. The doctor may recommend certain pain relievers like naproxen sodium or Aleve or Ibuprofen like Motrin IB, Advil, etc.

Suggested prevention measures for kidney Stone:

Here are few methods suggested by nephrologists at CBLM hospital for reducing the impact of kidney stones. These include:

  • Drink ample water
  • Consume liquid food every 2 hours
  • Eat food that reduces the risk of kidney stones
  • Drink water boiled and strained with beans.
  • Consume pomegranates, apples, grapes to protect kidney
  • Intake of Vitamin B6 supplements and pyridoxine supplements are recommended for relief.
  • Contact the doctors at CBLM hospital in case of experiencing the symptoms to get fast and better treatment.

Medications for Kidney Stones

Another most typical way of treating a medical condition like kidney stone is medical therapy. CBLM Experts may recommend certain medications like alpha-blocker that tend to relax muscles in the ureter region and make the passage of kidney stones through urine easier with less pain.

The specialists at CBLM Hospital effectively diagnose your concerns and provide you with the best recommendations for kidney stone surgery. For Kidney stones that are under symptomatic management, treatment can be done through oral and injected painkillers. However, for symptomatic and severe cases, undergoing surgery for the removal of it is the finest alternative.

At CBLM Holy Family Hospital, you can get the finest treatment from experts. Moreover, we provide all the facilities and amenities which are required for the best treatment and care of all the patients.