What is Stress? The main cause of stress is overload and struggling to cope with the demands of the people. These demands can be related to finances, work, relationships, and other situations, but anything that poses a real or perceived challenge or threat to a person’s well being can cause stress. It has…
Everyone likes to be in pink of their health and illness is something most often would wish for. However, considering the present-day lifestyle leaves people prone to certain kinds of ailment. Moreover, people often tend to get frightened of the illness considering the lack of knowledge related to it. Piles are one among…
Mane is the crown bestowed by nature. There is hardly anyone who doesn't like to flaunt their prolific hair and get complimented for their beautiful mane. As beautiful is having the best hair in the world, equally dreadful is the thought of hair loss. Well, it is no less than a nightmare. While…
If you have just undergone a heart transplant, you will need to make sure that you know how to take care of your precious locks. Your newly implanted hair grafts are stills fragile and need time to fully nurture and firm their roots. After the best hair transplant in Jaipur, experts provide you…
Hairs are the most important aspect of the personality of any individual. Therefore, hair loss or balding can be a major concern for the majority of individuals. It can lead to low confidence and damaged self-esteem. Even if the hair loss process if genetic, hair transplant surgery can be the best solution. With…
The skin speaks a lot about one’s health. While a clean and glowing skin defines good health, dry skin or an oily one also throws light on the underlying problem. Every person desires to have healthy looking skin and it can be quite easy to achieve than just dreaming for one. There are…
There is hardly any person in the world who wouldn’t be possessive about their mane. Besides, we cannot deny the fact that hair loss is more painful than even heartbreak. Watching strands of hair when you comb your hair or sliding your hand through it is surely a nightmare that no person would…
We all have one heart, one liver, one intestine but two kidneys which play a vital role in keeping one healthy and fit. It is one of the vital organs of the body that performs numerous activities including filtering waste products out of the body in addition to removing an excess of water…
Our body is like a machine which requires regular oiling and maintenance to keep it functioning throughout our life. Detoxification helps in cleansing the blood out of toxins by throwing away the impurities. The process also helps in eliminating toxins from through other parts of the body through the lungs, lymphatic system, skin,…
Overview With winters rises the threat of Dengue which is caused due to mosquitoes. Dengue is a vector-borne illness caused due to mosquitoes, and Dengue fever is also called DENG-gey fever. Furthermore, it prominently occurs in the subtropical and tropical regions of the world. It has to be noted that mild Dengue also…
1. Abstain from straining: The best suggestion for the patients is that they should avoid using toilet Unnecessary if they are not feeling an urge of defecation and avoid unrelated activities like waiting long for the stool to arrive, reading newspapers while sitting on the toilet. These restrictions will surely give the relief…
Piles are very commonly seen nowadays. Women are suffering more than men. Piles are the enlarged surrounding vessel of an anus. Piles are also known as Hemorrhoids/Bawaseer. A person who is suffering from piles mostly has the problem of itching, pain during motion, bleeding per rectum & prolapsed mass during defecation. There are…