Everything that you would want to know about Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP

PRP or platelet-rich plasma is a three-step process. It is a medical procedure where the person’s blood is first extracted. It is then processed and later injected into the scalp. The method is used to treat hair loss. It is believed that the PRP injection helps to stimulate hair growth and also maintains its natural growth. This is done by boosting the flow of blood to the hair follicle. It eventually leads to hair shaft thickening.

The method is used along with other treatments or drugs for hair loss. Let us understand the details of the PRP therapy.

Platelet-rich plasma- What is it?

The PRP is a substance which is produced from someone’s own blood. It contains platelets and plasma which is used for clotting. The key component of the PRP is the growth factor. This is capable of triggering cell reproduction. It also stimulates tissue regeneration. It heals the area that is getting treated. In order to obtain the PRP the patients’ blood sample is taken and this is processed using a centrifuge. The method separated the varied blood components.

Once it is prepared the PRP is administered using an injection. This allows the growth factors to offer their therapeutic effects to the targeted site directly.

PRP injection- What is it?

The PRP injection involves collecting blood samples from a patient. The sample is processed into different blood components. The solution that remains is rich in platelets. This gets injected into the target area. The PRP injection increases the hormone and protein concentration like the growth factors in a particular area. The exact benefits of PRP injections are not known it is believed that it speeds up the healing process and also helps with hair growth.

PRP treatment and its uses

The PRP treatment is a versatile method of regeneration and healing. It is used to treat osteoarthritis, joint injuries, hair loss, post-surgical healing and skin rejuvenation. The method harnesses the regenerative property of the platelet. The PRP treatment enhances the natural healing process of the body and promotes an optimal outcome in varied cosmetic and medical applications.

Joint Injuries

The PRP treatment is used to help in the healing of joint injuries. It treats tendon and ligament tears and sprains. The platelets that are concentrated are injected into the joint affected and promote tissue repair. It also helps to reduce inflammation. The therapy helps to enhance the natural healing process of the body and improves joint function.

Osteoarthritis And Post-Surgical Healing

The PRP treatment is a therapeutic option for those who suffer from osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative joint disease. When the PRP is injected into the affected joint it helps to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. This potential slows down the disease progression. The PRP treatment promotes post-surgical healing and enhances tissue regeneration. It also promotes fast recovery.

Hair Loss treatment

The PRP is being widely used for hair restoration treatment. When the compound is injected into the scalp the growth factors present in PRP help to stimulate the hair follicles. This helps to promote hair growth and thickens the existing hair. The method is used by those who suffer from androgenetic alopecia pattern baldness or thinning hair.

Skin Rejuvenation

PRP treatment also finds use in skin rejuvenation. When it is applied topically or when it is injected into the skin the PRP growth factors help to stimulate collagen production and improve the skin tone and texture. This helps in reducing wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage and scars all of which result in a revitalised and youthful appearance.

PRP injection composition

The PRP injection can be categorised into three categories based on the fibrin and leukocyte content. The first is the leukocyte-rich PRP or L-PRP category which contains a high concentration of white blood cells.

The second is the leukocyte-reduced PRP or P-PRP and this is also referred to as the pure PRP. Here the white blood cell count is minimised. Lastly, there is the leukocyte platelet-rich fibrin that emphasises the fibrin presence along with the platelets.

PRP is rich in cytokines, growth factors and alpha granules. These play an important role in promoting tissue healing and to repair injuries. The cytokines and the growth factors stimulate cell growth, blood vessel formation and collagen synthesis. When these bioactive substances are delivered to the targeted area, PRP helps to enhance the regenerative process and promotes hair growth.

In order to activate the PRP, calcium chloride of thrombin can be added. The activation helps to release the alpha granules in the platelets which further releases their growth factors and the other bioactive molecules.

The activation step is important to harness the entire regenerative potential of the PRP.

The working

The PRP or platelet-rich plasma is a method of hair restoration which involves drawing the blood from the patient. The blood is spun into a centrifuge in order to separate the plasma from the other components.

The plasma that is extracted is rich in platelets and growth factors. This is injected into the scalp areas that are affected by hair loss. The process helps to promote hair growth. This is done by stimulating the hair follicles. The PRP injection is not painful and does not cause any side effects.

The PRP session will consist of 15 to 20 injections and this is nicely tolerated by patients. Some individuals feel a little pressure on the scalp. It takes around 30 minutes to complete the entire PRP session. There could be some tightness or discomfort which can be alleviated using anaesthetics. You cannot see immediate results with the PRP treatment and you may need yearly maintenance a number of times.

The effectiveness of this treatment varies depending on factors like the extent of hair loss, hormonal factors, age and genetic makeup.

Side Effects of the PRP therapy

The PRP or platelet-rich plasma treatment is a non-surgical option to address hair loss. It is usually a safe and well-tolerated treatment like any other medical procedure, however, there are a few side effects to it.

It is important that you understand these risks before you undergo the treatment. Here are some of the possible side effects that are associated with the PRP treatment.

Injury in the Blood Vessels or the Nerves

At the time of injection, there could be a small risk of damaging the nerves or the blood vessels near the area being treated. This could cause bruising, bleeding or a temporary numbness of the scalp. However, these occurrences are not common and can be managed using proper expertise and technique.


The procedure that involves injections does carry infection risks. The PRP treatment uses the patient’s own blood. It is important that sterile techniques are followed which will help to minimise risk and the introduction of pathogens or bacteria into the body. It is also important that the treatment area and the equipment are cleaned and disinfected properly to minimise the chances of infection.

Calcification At the Point Injected

There are some cases when the injected sites could develop calcification. This appears in the form of firm nodules under the skin. The nodules are majorly harmless and these resolve on their own with time. However, this could cause temporary discomfort or many cosmetic concerns. It is important to maintain proper injection technique and post-treatment care which can reduce the chances of side effects.

Scar Tissue

There could be rare instances where scar tissue formation could appear at the injected site. This leads to localised skin irregularities or a change in texture.

To minimise the scar tissue formation risk, it is important to follow the depth of recommended injection and ensure that proper wound healing takes place after the treatment. It is also important that qualified and experienced partitioners are chosen who can understand the proper techniques that can help to minimise scarring risk.

Is the PRP Treatment Effective?

The PRP or platelet-rich plasma treatment for hair loss has some limiting factors and this makes the topic highly controversial. Most studies examine the treatment of people suffering from androgenetic alopecia which is a common condition of hair loss. They have reported positive results in hair growth.

There are varied PRP preparations, session interval variations and various injection methods that are used to administer the PRP. This can affect the effect of the treatment. Without a standard injection protocol, it is difficult to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the PRP treatment in hair loss.

How Much Does PRP Cost?

The cost of the PRP treatment varies depending on various factors. The treatment will need around three sessions spread over a span of four to six weeks. The cost of the treatment can range from $1500 to $3500. If there is a need for further injections after the three initial ones then every injection costs upwards of $400.

The actual cost could vary depending on several factors like the geographic location, the equipment quality and if any nutritive component is added to the PRP. Insurance does not cover this treatment so individuals will have to pay for it out of their pocket.

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At CBLM, we deliver the best output and natural results with the assistance of our expert team who hold expertise in providing quality PRP Hair loss Treatment.

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All procedures are performed under expert supervision using magnifications of microscope that are video-assisted to reduce the risk of damages. The size of grafts tends to expand in 200 days, allowing the technician to observe the positioning of grafts during cleaning and dividing minutely.

Before you get the PRP injections

Before you start with the PRP therapy take some precautions and be prepared to ensure that you have a smooth and successful treatment. The steps will help to minimise the potential risks and maintain the procedure’s effectiveness. From adjusting the supplement and the medication to following the specific guidelines as stated by the physician you should be proactive in the process which can contribute to a positive outcome and experience.

Before you get the PRP treatment you will have to stop taking medication that can thin your blood. This is because the medicine interferes with clotting and increases the bleeding risk during the procedure.

It is important that you take a break from supplements and vitamins which could thin the blood. This includes vitamin E, fish oil, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs among others. This is a precaution taken to minimise excessive bleeding risk.

Your doctor will advise you on how to prepare for the PRP shots and you should follow it. They will give you instructions like avoiding the consumption of alcohol and stopping to smoke before the procedure. It is important that you follow these instructions to ensure that you reduce any risk of complications and ensure optimal results.

The PRP treatment does not come with any side effects. It is important that you eat a healthy meal which will help to prevent any dizziness. Having proper food can help to stabilise your blood sugar levels and also maintain your well-being at the time of the treatment.

After you are injected do not wash the treated scalp for at least 48 hours. This will let the platelet and the growth factor penetrate the scalp completely and will enhance your healing process. If you wash the scalp soon then it will reduce the treatment effectiveness.

You may experience some soreness and bruising in the area injected. This is normal and gets resolved on its own in a few days. If you however feel severe or sharp pain then contact our doctor who will do a detailed evaluation.

What should you expect during the procedure?

During the PRP procedure, a needle is first inserted into the vein. This is done to collect a blood sample. The blood gets processed in a centrifuge that spins and separates the various components.

The PRP preparation that is obtained will vary based on the platelet, RBC and WBC count as well as the presence of growth factors, cytokines and proteins. Cytokines are released by the cells of the immune system and these play a major role in the process of healing. The platelet lysate or PL is highly effective than the plasma that is platelet-poor.

PRP Therapy Process for Hair Loss

The PRP therapy to treat hair loss is a three-step method and there is a four to six weeks gap in between. The treatment is needed every four to six months to get the best results. Let us explore every step in detail.

Step 1

Blood drawn and centrifugation – In the first step a small amount of blood is first drawn from the arm. This is similar to any blood test routine. The blood sample is placed in the specialised machine which is called the centrifuge. The centrifuge spins the blood at a very high speed for approximately 10 minutes.

Step 2

Separation of Blood Components- The blood spins into three distinctive layers. The top layer has the platelet-poor plasma or PPP. The middle layer contains the platelet-rich plasma or PRP and the bottom layer is made of red blood cells.

Step 3

PRP Collection and Injection – After the completion of the centrifugation process the platelet-rich plasm is drawn carefully up into a syringe. The PRP has a high concentration of platelets, growth factors and other substances and is ready to be injected into the scalp.

During the process, the doctor administers the PRP into the targeted area of the scalp directly. The injection is performed with fine needles. The doctor examines the precise location based on your hair loss pattern and your individual needs.

Complications Of the PRP Therapy In Hair Loss

While the PRP therapy does sound promising there could be some potential complications that you should be aware of. Let us discuss them one by one.


Bleeding is one of the complications of this treatment. The procedure involves the use of a needle. Injections into the scalp cause the risk of minor bleeding. However, this is minimal and will stop by itself.


Some people can complain of mild discomfort or pain at the time of the treatment. The injection may cause a temporary sensation of soreness or stinging at the site of the injection. The pain however can be tolerated and subsides after the procedure.


This is rare but there is a small risk of being infected. It is important that proper sterilisation is practised during the treatment to minimise risk. The infection could cause swelling, redness and tenderness at the site of injection. If there is any sign of infection then it is important to meet the doctor immediately.


Those individuals who have some kind of allergies or sensitivities are at a greater risk of allergic reactions. This includes any substance or medication used in the PRP solution preparation. It is important to let the doctor know of any allergies that you may have. This will prevent adverse reactions.

Tenderness And Itching

Some patients could experience itching or tenderness at the site of injection after the therapy. This is temporary and will resolve itself in a few days. If the itching or tenderness worsens then it is advisable that you consult a healthcare provider who has administered the treatment.

Individual Variations In Preparation

The preparation method could vary among the individuals. Factors like platelet consecration, number of sessions and the interval between each session can differ based on the needs of the patient and the judgement of the physician. These variations are crucial for the professional to assess and customise your treatment plan.

Success And Failure Factors

The PRP therapy’s success or failure can be influenced by varied factors. The factors could be the hair loss severity, overall health, or any underlying cause of the individual’s response to treatment. It is important to have a realistic expectation and to understand that not everyone will have the same results.

How Long Does the Treatment Last?

The PRP therapy is not a permanent treatment for a condition that can cause hair loss. You will need many treatments and the number of sessions will vary based on your condition and the outcome of the initial treatment. To maintain the result you need to regularly maintain it which is typically done every three to six months.

Risks Of PRP For Hair Loss

The PRP therapy contains certain risks that any individual should know of. There is a possibility of chronic or acute infections. Those who have any underlying condition like diabetes, liver disease, skin disease, thyroid disorder or low platelet count are at more risk of developing the infection.

There is a risk of developing cancer. The other risks involved are hemodynamic instability, hypofibrinogenemia, metabolic disorders, platelet dysfunction syndromes, systemic disorders, and sepsis.

Those who are on blood thinners or smoke heavily and consume alcohol may have an increased risk associated with the PRP therapy. The individuals should consider the PRP treatment after talking with the healthcare professional and discussing the risks.

The Evidence For Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment Is Stronger For Some kinds Of Hair Loss Than Others

PRP therapy has shown some positive evidence in treating androgenic alopecia. This is a hormone-related baldness with hair loss on the top and the front of the head. If women experience hair loss at the top and the crown of the head then the PRP treatment can yield optimal results when taken along with anti-androgenic drug, oral finasteride and minoxidil. There is however very little evidence to support the PRP therapy’s effectiveness to treat alopecia areata or telogen effluvium.

Who with benefit from Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?

The PRP therapy shows good results in varied conditions like baldness, androgenic alopecia and complete hair fall. Let us explore who can benefit from the treatment.

Balding Men

The treatment is effective in men who are experiencing androgenic alopecia or male pattern blandness. The treatment stimulates the dormant follicles and improves hair density as well as promotes hair growth. The treatment is effective if taken in the initial stages of hair loss.

Women Experiencing Hair Loss Due To Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances in women like those caused by polycystic ovary syndrome or menopause can experience hair loss. PRP therapy is a suitable method to help restore hair caused by hormonal imbalances.

People With Hair Loss Within The Last 5 Years

The treatment is likely to play out in patients who have experienced hair loss in the last five years. There is a high chance of reviving the dormant hair follicles and promoting the regrowth of healthy hair.

Chronic Diseases Like Thyroid Or Menopause-Related Hair Loss

There are some chronic disorders like menopause and thyroid disorders that can cause hair loss. PRP therapy is a treatment option for those who are suffering from hair loss because of these conditions. It helps to stimulate regrowth, improve hair quality and enhance the overall health of the hair.

Skin Cancer-Related Hair Loss

In some cases, one can experience hair loss because of the skin cancer treatment. Like in the case of radiation therapy PRP therapy assists in promoting hair regrowth and improves hair density for those who have experienced hair loss because of skin cancer treatment.

Possible Downsides Of Using PRP In Hair Loss?

A major drawback of PRP therapy is its high cost which ranges from $600 to $1500. This can be a major financial burden for many as the treatment is not covered under insurance.

PRP therapy is safe and effective however its uses in hair restoration are still in the early stages. There is very little clinical evidence that supports its effectiveness. It is thus not advised to use the PRP therapy as the first treatment line.

There is a risk of using PRP therapy if those who handle the procedure are careless or fail to use the tubes that are FDA-approved. The patient’s own blood is used and this makes it important to use the proper techniques and adhere to the safety protocols.

Research About PRP And Hair Loss

The PRP therapy for hair loss has gained a lot of attention in recent years. The research on it has shown some great results. There is a study published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery in 2014 that involved 11 men who suffered from androgenic alopecia and underwent PRP treatment. The participants had new hair growth in three months.

There was another study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2017 that found that PRP therapy did not just increase hair growth but also improved hair thickness. The findings suggest that PRP therapy is a potential treatment option for those who suffer from hair loss.

The Last Word Before you opt for the PRP treatment For Hair Loss

PRP therapy is an increasingly popular method to address hair loss and stimulate the growth of hair. It is a non-surgical and painless procedure and it needs zero recovery time. This makes it a convenient choice for many individuals.

The results may take some time to show but the potential benefits of this treatment make it worth considering. It is important that the treatment is approached realistically and the outcomes understood which may depend on several factors like age.

The cost of the treatment is $1500 and up which makes it expensive. The benefits of the investment should be weighed. The PRP therapy is thus promising for those who wish to combat their hair loss and see hair growth.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy – Is it the Future Or a Trend?

PRP or platelet-rich plasma therapy is a new science in the field of regenerative medicine and has become popular in recent years. It is a cell-based therapy that involves using the patient’s blood to extract a fractional plasma volume which contains growth factors and alpha granules that are present in the autologous platelet.

There are many new possibilities that are offered by the therapy and its potential to heal and address hair loss issues. The beneficial outcome observed makes PRP a promising approach for any future regenerative treatment. There is still a good amount of knowledge gap in the understanding of the PRP mechanism as well as in the current technology and technique.

It is vital to understand the shortcomings of this treatment and further research is needed to determine its effectiveness. However, if this method becomes effective then PRP therapy will be a breakthrough treatment in the field of non-operative regenerative medicine.

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