Top 10 Ways To Cleanse Your Body Thoroughly

31 Dec, 2020

Top 10 Ways To Cleanse Your Body Thoroughly

Our body is like a machine which requires regular oiling and maintenance to keep it functioning throughout our life. Detoxification helps in cleansing the blood out of toxins by throwing away the impurities. The process also helps in eliminating toxins from through other parts of the body through the lungs, lymphatic system, skin, and intestines. Regular cleansing of the body is of utmost importance, failing which may lead it to get adversely affected.

Herein we have enlisted the top 10 ways through which you can detox your body easily.

Drink plenty of fluids

The more water you drink, the easier it is to throw out the toxins and alkalizes from the body. Ensure to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. Besides you can add few spoons of apple cider vinegar which is known to be a powerful elixir that cleanses and heals the body of bacteria and germs.

Drink Green Tea

Green Tea, as well as herbal teas such as nettles and dandelion, are natural agents that help in detoxifying the body of unwanted toxins and thereby aiding to regularized metabolism.

Lemon with warm water

Lemon squeezed in warm water is a great alternative for squeezing out toxins and alkalines from the body. Intake of this decoction early in the morning proves to be an elixir for throwing away bacteria and toxins blocking fat burn.


Exercise and physical activity are known to be natural detoxification agents. They not only help in burning out excess of fat but also aid in throwing away the toxins deposited in the body through the medium of sweat.

Sleep well

Getting full 7-8 hours of sleep helps in detoxification of unwanted elements from our body. The brain tends to throw away the toxins and repair damaged cells in the body when asleep. Thus, getting a goodnight's sleep is a great way to ensure your body is cleansed off toxins.

Reduce salt intake

Excess of salt in the body not backed by enough water can lead to the release of antidiuretic hormone in the body which prevents one from urinating and thereby building of toxins. The remedy here is drinking water to remove out the excess water weight deposited in the body.

Eat healthily

Your gut plays a major role in keeping your system healthy. Each diet filled with prebiotics which can keep your digestive system healthy thereby boosting your immune system.

Reduce intake of inflammation-causing food

Toxicity contributes to inflammation that can stock more toxins in the body. Include in your diet non-starchy food, vegetables, food rich with omega-3 fatty acids like chia seeds, flax seeds, etc. as well as spices like turmeric.

Reduce exposure to toxins

Prevention is better than cure. Keeping this very thought in mind, it is always better to keep our environment clean of toxic materials. This includes plants, processed foods, building materials, household cleaners and much more that directly expose you to toxins.

Take regular natural detoxification therapy

Once in a while take part in natural detoxification and full-body cleansing. 

Eating healthy, proper sleep and a well-balanced routine filled with exercise and mindful eating can pave the way to natural detoxification of body, mind, and soul for healthy living.