Know Everything about Hair Transplant Surgery and Treatment

31 Dec, 2020

Know Everything about Hair Transplant Surgery and Treatment

Mane is the crown bestowed by nature. There is hardly anyone who doesn't like to flaunt their prolific hair and get complimented for their beautiful mane. As beautiful is having the best hair in the world, equally dreadful is the thought of hair loss. Well, it is no less than a nightmare. While losing a few strands of hair is a normal phenomenon considering stress, age, and medications, premature baldness is something that has affected a lot of people.

But as the saying goes, no problem is devoid of a solution, there exists a solution for baldness too. Hair transplant is one of the most opted means that has jumped to leaps over the years. It presents a new ray of hope to bring to get back the lost hair again.

This article presents a detailed insight into what is hair transplant and other essential details related to it.

A gist about hair transplant

The origins or invention of hair transplant dates back to 1939 by Dr. Okuda in, a Japanese dermatologist. He pioneered in highlighting the method of using small grafts to perform the process of hair transplant. However, from then to now, a lot of changes have happened over time. Further betterment was brought in the process by Dr. Norman during the 50s who coined the idea of relocating the hair from the backside of the head to the bald area that was supposed to carry all resistant genetic characteristics irrespective of where it is transplanted.

This method came to be known as Donor Dominance that highlighted the potential of hair being transplanted from a bald resistant donor to balding areas where it will continue to grow. And with this was laid the foundation of modern-day hair transplant.

By the 80s, the method had evolved gradually using a refined method of blending both mini and micro grafts. And coming to the present day it has evolved to a great extent providing painless and modernized techniques. Hair transplant surgery is of two types. This includes the Follicular Unit Transplant that is also known as strip surgery or FUT. On the other hand, Follicular Unit Extraction is known as FUE. The primary difference between the two is the technique through which the hair is extracted for transplanted.

How much does it cost?

Hair transplant surgery is performed in many reputed hospitals like Hair Transplant Hospital In Jaipur, etc. The cost of the surgery costs from approximately $7 to $11 per graft when hair transplant.

Important points to consider when opting for hair transplant

  • Patients are recommended to carry out good research about the specialist, hospital before proceeding for the surgery.
  • Taking considerable consultation from specialists will prevent you from facing any trouble in the later run.
  • After the surgery, patients must follow the rules laid out by the doctors
  • Patients must maintain caution to not rub or scratch the area where the transplant was carried out
  • It is recommended to avoid any kind of physical exercises

Get a lease of life, get back your lost mane with Hair transplant surgery at best Hair Transplant Hospital In Jaipur.